Prof. emer. Hannu Alholle Europadin CHIMERA-palkinto
Europad (European Opioid Addiction Treatment Association) myöntää CHIMERA-palkinnon 2022 prof. emer. Hannu Alholle. Hannu Alho on tehnyt pitkän uran opioidiriippuvuuden tutkimuksen parissa. Hän on Päihdelääketieteen yhdistyksen ja ISAM:n entinen puheenjohtaja.
Muita palkittavia vuonna 2022 ovat
Liljana Ignjatova (Skopje, North Macedonia)
Adrian-Octavian Abagiu (Bucharest, Romania, EU)
ja elämäntyöpalkinnon saa
Sir John Strang (London, UK)
Chimera was a monster in the Greek mythology: it had a lion head, a goat body and a dragon tail: being a monster, it can well represent drug addiction as a monster that must be defeated.
But, in the poetical language, the term "Chimera" means unrealizable dreams, impossible imaginations: and in this sense, it still well represents the attempt made by doctors of realizing their dream of helping drug addicts.
In both senses, therefore, we can say that some kind of physicians, those who try to treat drug addiction, run after "chimeras", both to kill the monster, and to realize their dream of helping drug addicts.